About & Contacts

About my approach and me

1. About me

     My name is Waterfall, I started my Jeremy Wade Delle journey on my Waterfall7290 Tumblr blog in 2020. My approach used to be more artistic than scientific, I focused a lot on making drawings about Jeremy and writing. In fact, I'm the author of a no-profit, never to be published trilogy about Jeremy called No more "Later Days", which is the reason why my approach and seriousness about the Jeremy matter has massively evolved during the years and which is also why I have learned so many things not only about Jeremy and the people around him, but also about psychology, history and culture. 

     You can pretty much get an idea of the kind of person I am and how I feel about Jeremy if you read the articles I've written about him (and the introduction to No more "Later Days"), but if you're here, I'm assuming it means you want to know more. Well then, the only thing I care about you knowing, rather than who I am, is who I am not, and this is because during the years I have met some very disturbed individuals who were interested in Jeremy for the wrongest of reasons, and which have left me... scarred. I'd really hate to be mistaken as one of them, so let me make a few statements: 

     I hate the true crime community with a burning passion. Guns creep me out. Thinking about death scares me and saddens me a lot. I'm not a spiritual person so I'd never try to get a Ouija board out and convince people I can talk to ghosts or something. Creating websites about teenagers isn't something I normally do. I don't listen to Pearl Jam. I have a lot of passions and hobbies and this is just one of the things I choose to do with my free time... it helps me grow.

2. About my approach

     Moving on to more practical things: I never met Jeremy. The info in my possession is based on the sources cited in the 'Learn about Jeremy' section and on several screenshots, info and documents I was able to gather over the years. I don't personally have the contact of any of the people who actually met Jeremy, so you will rarely see me putting out new info. If I do, it's because those info come from reliable sources (e.g. my friend Ash, admin of jeremywadedelle.com) and I got permission to post them; or because I did some digging and decided the person who gave the info really exists and is reliable. Should I have doubts, it is always in my interest to state it.  

How do I approach the topic of Jeremy? Well, basically in two ways.

    One, and this has been my current, evolved approach: I strongly rely on historical and psychological studies to make suppositions, meaning I try to understand the cause-effect relation between events. Skeptical by nature, I'm not inclined to blindly believe sources and always try to find more explanations for a single event. I do a lot of wondering and digging because events have to be understood well in order to be written well, and I've started to do this solely because of No more "Later Days". By writing it and trying to be the most accurate I could, I incidentally learned about a lot of things and that's how I was able to understand, perhaps better than other people, the truth behind how some things really happened or behind some chain of events. Of course, having not spoken to anyone who actually knew Jeremy, I have no way to prove my suppositions are 100% right. You are free to make your own suppositions and offer your feedback, or to even correct me in case you actually knew Jeremy and would like to help. I'd greatly appreciate it. 

     The second thing I do, which is actually the focus of this website, is I try to shine a light on who Jeremy was a person, because I didn't grow as a person, a writer, an artist, a human being by getting interested in the way he died: I became a better person once I tried to learn about his life and what you can actually do for the people around you in order not to make stories like Jeremy's happen again. People like Steele Shepherd and Ash did this before me and I want to continue the work of the people who came before me by helping to humanize Jeremy and his loved ones.  


Every project, even if solo, is made possible with the help and support of awesome people.

     I'd like to thank my good friend Epiphany, who although isn't a moderator, has advised me regarding the Jeremy matter (and more!) ever since we met. Whenever I'm in doubt, I go to her to get her advice, which is always constructive and precious. My blog, trilogy and website wouldn't have been the same without her. 

      Then I'd like to thank my best friend T., who has supported me ever since I've started this journey, especially regarding my trilogy: T. is the only one, to this day, who has read it and knows basically everything that happens in it. I couldn't have wished for a better reader and supporter.

     Finally, my thanks go to my friend Ash, admin of jeremywadedelle.com, who has always encouraged me and who was always able to help me with info, data and reasoning whenever I was stuck with my trilogy or needed more information in order to be accurate both for the trilogy and for my articles. 

Contacts (for Jeremy-related matters only)

E-mail: waterfall7290 @ Google mail .com

Tumblr: waterfall7290