The Jeremy Story - Joseph Delle’s 2009 statements

DISCLAIMER (click to read)

A while ago I noticed that even thejeremystory was offline. Not sure if the admin is still alive or not, I had tried contacting them years ago but never received a reply. 

Since this website is also intended for preserving the work of the people who researched about Jeremy before me, I was looking up the copy of the website and wondering what I could repost. The majority of it is a timeline which Ash ( already included on his website, and then there were things about Jeremy's last day which, as you know, aren't in my interest to talk about.

However, I reread Joseph Delle's (Jeremy's father) 2009 statements and while I find them hard to read given they talk about Jeremy's death, I thought it was important to repost them because they give a glimpse of the pain his poor parents endured, and how incredibly insensitive some people got (and still get). I thought these statements humanize Mr. Delle a lot. Wanda already gave her testimony in a WFAA interview in 2018

I'll repost the original images and comments shared on thejeremystory. In case the admin of the website is still alive and would like me to take them down, please contact me at waterfall7290 + @ + google mail domain.

Family Statements

After Jeremy's  violent public suicide and the subsequent song by Pearl Jam, Joseph Delle sold his home to escape the notoriety. Later, Joseph, Wanda and Jeremy's sister invoked a Texas law to keep a police video of the classroom from being publicly released. Below are exerpts from the family's statements.